Today the gang has been doing, what I like to call, southern fishin'. That just means that when you stick your line in the water you’re never sure if you’re going to catch a fish, or something much more sinister; like a sting ray! YIPES! :/ Thankfully we only caught fish. Although, we attempted to catch some crab for dinner, but were extremely unsuccessful. That meant we were going to have Pizza Pull Apart Bread! Yum! AND lucky for you I was kind enough to take pictures; consequently, to show all of you. (Ok, to be fair I took pictures to show the 2 of you who read my blog. J No worries, if I reach only 2 people, my life is complete.)
Ok, now that you’ve been properly scolded I’ll move onto the recipe. Again, there is a version of this floating around pinterest; however, I didn’t like their ingredients so I made this recipe my own! Yay!
Here is what you’re going to need:
1 loaf of Italian Bread from the bakery section of your grocery store
8oz of cheese
1 package pepperonis
2 TBS of Butter
1TSP of garlic powder
1 can of your favorite pizza sauce (for dipping)
(recipe serves 4.)
First cut your bread length wise (aka hot dog style) ^ like so.
Then cut your bread width wise (aka hamburger style) ^ like so.
Add the cheese in beside and around your pepperonis.

Before it all goes into the oven, you need to make your garlic butter. Melt together 2 Tbs of butter and 1 TEASPOON garlic powder.

Anddd--YUMMY! There it is all finished. Heat up your sauce, tear pieces off of bread, dip it and enjoy!
8oz of cheese
1 package pepperonis
2 TBS of Butter
1TSP of garlic powder
1 can of your favorite pizza sauce (for dipping)
(recipe serves 4.)
First cut your bread length wise (aka hot dog style) ^ like so.
Then cut your bread width wise (aka hamburger style) ^ like so.
When you're finished it will look like a checkerboard...kind of.
Now, get really excited, because here comes the fun part!!... :D
Stuffing your bread! Place the desired amount of pepperoni between the slices you've cut in your bread.
Before it all goes into the oven, you need to make your garlic butter. Melt together 2 Tbs of butter and 1 TEASPOON garlic powder.
Melt for about 10-15 seconds and grab something to brush it onto your bread.
Anddd--YUMMY! There it is all finished. Heat up your sauce, tear pieces off of bread, dip it and enjoy!
Thanks for joining me for another post! :)
Until next time Friends.
Until next time Friends.